Ever since I outgrew trick or treating age, I haven't been the biggest fan of Halloween. But the last few years I've really started to find the fun in it again. Decorating with spooky décor. Baking cute treats. I'll even welcome a light scare. And of course, I love leaning into a seasonal theme in my bullet journal.
I've created an October bullet journal monthly spread and a weekly spread example to share with you. Hopefully it will spark some inspiration and ideas for your spooky season journaling.

I used my Witch's Cottage sticker sheet to decorate this spread. I'm very pleased with how the illustrations for this sheet turned out. I think it's some of my best work!

The witchy aesthetic was really fun to play with. I think the torn pink paper from Amy Tangerine's Paper Play book looks a little bit like clouds floating on the dark background. Especially in juxtaposition with the celestial stickers.

Using the same stickers, I made a weekly spread example. I like this loose structure for a weekly layout. Each day has it's own space, but there's no boxes to stay inside of.
It works well for me since I tend to use my bullet journal more as a log book than for productivity and planning. I don't need a clean, organized look. It can be more free and chaotic looking.

I went ahead and filled this weekly spread in with made-up stuff similar to what I would write in my journal in real life. I love how the events from the week end up flowing into each other. And the decorative embellishments are so cute it makes it fun to keep coming back to these pages to document the happenings of my day. (When I'm not making it all up, that is!)
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